I am a big fan of Tats and piercings, but I have recently noticed something rather disturbing. Is it just me or does a clitoral ring look like the grip of a zipper ? Perhaps it's just my deranged view fo the world but everytime I see one I just want to reach up and zip it shut heh heh heh I will say this, however, it DOES make for some interesting eyecandy, as well as a damned good marker for the clueless males amoung us who have no idea where to apply a tongue lashing >=-) [get i...
The typical democrat reaction to this post: A more accurate view of how obama wants to spread the wealth: And I'm throwing this in because it's too funny not to:
function check_advanced_search_form(form) { if(form.q.value=="" && form.location.value=="") { alert('You need to enter at least a keyword OR a location!'); return false; } //end if(form.q.value=="" && form.location.value=="") else return true; } //end function check_advanced_search_form(form) Search Keyword Location (City, State/Province or Country) Category All Afghanistan Celebrity Citizen Journalism Education Entertainment ...
I am a big fan of Tats and piercings, but I have recently noticed something rather disturbing. Is it just me or does a clitoral ring look like the grip of a zipper ? Perhaps it's just my deranged view fo the world but everytime I see one I just want to reach up and zip it shut heh heh heh I will say this, however, it DOES make for some interesting eyecandy, as well as a damned good marker for the clueless males amoung us who have no idea where to apply a tongue lashing >=-) [get i...
The typical democrat reaction to this post: A more accurate view of how obama wants to spread the wealth: And I'm throwing this in because it's too funny not to:
function check_advanced_search_form(form) { if(form.q.value=="" && form.location.value=="") { alert('You need to enter at least a keyword OR a location!'); return false; } //end if(form.q.value=="" && form.location.value=="") else return true; } //end function check_advanced_search_form(form) Search Keyword Location (City, State/Province or Country) Category All Afghanistan Celebrity Citizen Journalism Education Entertainment ...